The one thousand sermons of this archive are a record of the thoughtful steps in Richard Rhem's journey as it deepened in the 1980s and then continued to evolve from a conservative beginning until it led him to his ultimate understanding: an open mind and a warm heart must be grounded in the Way of Love, and must affirm the quest and insight of all faiths. On that foundation can be built a community that practices religion not as dogma but as dialogue, mutual enrichment and understanding.
"Dick Rhem is the best teacher-preacher I have ever heard in my life." Marcus Borg
Here I Stand
Sunday Evening Gathering
Spring Lake Country Club
September 24, 2006
Community, Worship
The Magnificent Vision of Shalom
Summer Social Gathering
Spring Lake Country Club
August 27, 2006
postmodern, paradigm shift, God as Love,
Seeing is Believing: When the Word Becomes Flesh
Ordination Service for Bill Freeman
Micah 6:608; I Corinthians 13; John 1:1-5, 14, 18
First Congregational United Church of Christ, Belding, Michigan
May 07, 2006
God is love, Divine Intention
The Making of a Liberal
Summer Social Gathering
Spring Lake Country Club
August 06, 2006
Postmodern, History of Liberalism,
Personal Journey