The one thousand sermons of this archive are a record of the thoughtful steps in Richard Rhem's journey as it deepened in the 1980s and then continued to evolve from a conservative beginning until it led him to his ultimate understanding: an open mind and a warm heart must be grounded in the Way of Love, and must affirm the quest and insight of all faiths. On that foundation can be built a community that practices religion not as dogma but as dialogue, mutual enrichment and understanding.
"Dick Rhem is the best teacher-preacher I have ever heard in my life." Marcus Borg
Beyond National, Ethnicity and Creed
Independence Day Weekend;
Pentecost V
Psalm 33:10-17; Matthew 5:38-48
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
July 01, 2001
Global Community, Non-violence,
Diversity, Inclusivism
Rootedness and Belonging
Mother's Day;
Eastertide IV
Philippians 3:8
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
May 14, 2000
Mother's Day, Diversity, Inclusive,
I Wish Someone Had Told Me That - Or, Did They?
Baccalaureate Sunday;
Eastertide VII
Romans 8:31, 39
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
June 04, 2000
Diversity, Immanence, Inclusive, Love
Fire From Heaven
Joel 2:28-32; Acts 19:1-7
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
June 11, 2000
Spirit of God,Pentecost, Diversity,
Freedom and Commitment in a Global Society
Pentecost IV
Galatians 5:13
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
July 02, 2000
Diversity, Inclusive, Global Community,
March 01, 1994
Ecumenical, Church, Diversity, Liturgy, Spirit,
Reformed Tradition, Nature of Scripture
Epiphany IV
Acts 17:27-28
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
January 31, 1993
Belief, Paul, Spiritual Quest, Inclusive,
Family Values, Jesus' Style
Mothers' Day;
Eastertide V
Mark 3:35; John 21: 16-17
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
May 09, 1993
Transformation, Diversity, Community of
Faith, Unconditional Love
Samuel: Culture Wars - Does God Take Sides?
Pentecost XXIII
I Samuel 8: 19-20; Matthew 5:45
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
November 15, 1992
Samuel, History of Israel, Community,
Diversity, Justice
March 01, 1987
Ecumenical, Reformed Church, Diversity,
Liturgical Year, Community of Grace
April 01, 1987
Diversity, Community of Faith
Christ Community: A People Who Belong
Pentecost IV
I Corinthians 3:21-23
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
June 15, 1986
Reformed Church, Community of Faith,
Ecumenical, Pluralism, Diversity