The one thousand sermons of this archive are a record of the thoughtful steps in Richard Rhem's journey as it deepened in the 1980s and then continued to evolve from a conservative beginning until it led him to his ultimate understanding: an open mind and a warm heart must be grounded in the Way of Love, and must affirm the quest and insight of all faiths. On that foundation can be built a community that practices religion not as dogma but as dialogue, mutual enrichment and understanding.
"Dick Rhem is the best teacher-preacher I have ever heard in my life." Marcus Borg
The Trinity: The Heart Has Reasons
Lakeshore Interfaith Center
John 1:1-5, 18; 14:1-20; I John 4:7-8, 12, 16; In
Lakeshore Interfaith Center, Ganges
June 03, 2012
Divine Mystery, Emergence
The Promise and Peril of Being Human
Lakeshore Interfaith
Psalm 8; Genesis 3:1-7; Rev. 21:1-4, 22-25; 22:1-2
Lakeshore Interfaith Center, Ganges
August 09, 2009
Emergence, Divine Mystery
Tell Me a Story
Lakeshore Interfaith
Lakeshore Interfaith Center, Ganges
September 13, 2009
Emergence, Cosmic Evolution, Mystery
Human Being in Freedom
Muskegon Council for the Arts & Humanities Festival
Torrent House, Muskegon
October 11, 2004
Emergence of the Sacred, Immanence
Jesus: Episode or Epiphany?
Pentecost VIII
John 1:1, 14, 17; II Corinthians 4:6
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
August 03, 2003
Emergence, Epiphany
The Story Without End
Pentecost celebration
Acts 2:16; Ezekiel 37:14; John 25:12-13
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
June 07, 1998
Emergence, Global Community,Spirit,
Religion and Science: Can We Talk?
Pentecost X
Genesis 1:1; Psalm 19:1,7; John 1:1
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
August 09, 1998
Religion as a Human Construct, Cosmic
evolution; Emergence
Is It Enough To Be Human?
Pentecost XI
Luke 15:20; Psalm 103:14; Genesis 2;17
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
August 16, 1998
Emergence of Human, Consciousness
Spirit: The Now of the Future
Advent II
Isaiah 61:1; John 14:18-19
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
December 06, 1998
Advent, Incarnation, Emergence
Incarnation Here and Now
Advent IV
John 1:14; I John 4:12,16
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
December 20, 1998
Advent, Spirit, Presence, Emergence, Love
What Lies Beyond Death's Veil?
Pentecost IX
Romans 8:19; Luke 20:38
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
July 20, 1997
Nature of Religion, Consciousness,
Life Broken and Poured Out
Advent I
Luke 15:51-52; I Corinthians 13:12
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
December 03, 1995
Advent, Liturgical Calendar, Community
of Compassion, Incarnation, Emergence
When the Crisis Comes - It's Too Late
Advent II
Isaiah 11:9; I Corinthians 13:13; Luke 1:37
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
December 10, 1995
Advent, Shalom, Emergence, Trust, Faith,
Prayer during Group Tour in Nauplia, Greece
Group Tour in Greece
September 19, 1993
Prayer, Wonder, Emergence, Awareness,
Introduction to Dr. Ira Progoff
Midweek Lecture
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
January 30, 1989
Progoff, Transformation, Hope, Spiritual
Journey, Symbol, Emergence, Insight, Spirit,
Interfaith, Consciousness, Nature of Religion,
Community of Faith, Global Community,
Revelation, Nature of Religion, Psychology