The one thousand sermons of this archive are a record of the thoughtful steps in Richard Rhem's journey as it deepened in the 1980s and then continued to evolve from a conservative beginning until it led him to his ultimate understanding: an open mind and a warm heart must be grounded in the Way of Love, and must affirm the quest and insight of all faiths. On that foundation can be built a community that practices religion not as dogma but as dialogue, mutual enrichment and understanding.
"Dick Rhem is the best teacher-preacher I have ever heard in my life." Marcus Borg
Reflections on a Life
Funeral Meditation on the Liife of William A. Struck
I Corinthians 13:12
Grand Haven, Michigan
March 06, 2014
Funeral, Reformed Tradition, Spiritual Quest,
Love of God
About Christian Tradition and the Church
Midweek Lent
Mark 2:18-28; 14:32-42
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
March 31, 2004
Church, Tradition, Change
January 01, 1998
Theology, Pluralism, Truth, Meaning, Sacred,
Religious Tradition, Nature of God, Nature of
Religion, Ecumenical, Karl Barth, Dietrich
Bonhoeffer, Mircea Eliade, David Tracy
Every Family Has a Story
Mother's Day;
Eastertide V
Deuteronomy 6:6-7, 20; Mark 3:19b; Acts 1:14
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
May 10, 1998
Community of Faith, Traditioning,
Story of Faith
March 01, 1994
Ecumenical, Church, Diversity, Liturgy, Spirit,
Reformed Tradition, Nature of Scripture
Trust That Survives Tragedy
Pentecost XXVI
Amos 7: 15-16
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
November 20, 1994
Mystery, Faith, History of Israel ,Trust,
Worship: The Medium of Traditioning
Pentecost XVI
Psalm 137:4; I Corinthians 11:26
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
September 27, 1992
Worship, Traditioning, Nature of Scripture
History of Israel, Ritual
One Church, One World - Always in Transition
Pentecost XVII
Jeremiah 1:9-10; Acts 5: 39
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
October 04, 1992
Ritual, Sacrament, Church, Tradition,
All Will Be Well
Future Edge - Tradition: Instrument of Continuity and Change
Pentecost XX
Isaiah 43:18-19; Luke 2:34
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
October 25, 1992
Tradition, Reformation, History of the
Church, Re-imagining the Faith
December 01, 1992
Authority of Scripture, Experience, Faith
Tradition, Critical Thinking, Faith, Mystery
May 01, 1991
Preaching, Scripture, Meaning, Faith
Journey, Tradition
November 01, 1989
Faith Journey, Tradition, Hebrew Scriptures
A Song of Serenity
Pentecost VI
Psalm 8:1
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
July 19, 1987
Psalms, Trust, Divine Intention, Tradition,
The Gospel of Radical Grace: No Human Invention
Pentecost XX
Galatians 1:11-12
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
October 18, 1987
Radical Grace of God, Worship, Presence of
God, Transforming Love, Community of Faith,
March 01, 1986
Preaching, Theology, History of Christian Tradition, Pluralism, Ecumenical, Historical Thinking
The Church: From Tradition to Mission
Pentecost V
Acts 6: 5, 8
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
June 30, 1985
Community of Faith, Followers of Jesus, Grace, Pluralism, Non-exclusive, Nature of Theology, Stephen, Creeds, Traditionalsim, Mission