Our little systems have their day;
They have their day and cease to be:
They are but broken lights of thee,
And thou, O Lord, art more than they.
We have but faith: we cannot know;
For knowledge is of things we see
And yet we trust it comes from thee,
A beam in darkness: let it grow.
Prologue from In Memoriam by Alfred Lord Tennyson
The Human Hunger for God
Unity Church, Douglas, MI
Unity Church, Douglas
October 17, 2010
A Non-Election Year Sermon
Pentecost XXII
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
November 09, 2003
Where in the World Is God?
Epiphany VI
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
February 11, 2001
Are We Having Any Fun Yet?
Advent II
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
December 10, 2000
Seeing is Believing
Epiphany II
Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI
January 16, 1994